Wednesday, 25 October 2017

World War One Collection Afternoon: training and event

This coming Friday 3rd November, between 3 - 4pm, Oxford University History and Digital Faculties are sending in a small team to train any students who would like to be involved in the World War One Collection afternoon that the Rumble Museum is holding on 10th November, 2 - 5pm. The training will involve how to record stories and examine and digitise World War One artefacts, amongst other things. 

It will be an exceptional experience for students interested in History and Archaeology, as well as students interested more broadly in Community Service. We are very keen for students with photography skills to be involved, as every artefact will need to be photographed.

If you would like to come to some or all of the training (which will take place in L14), please let me know - you would be very welcome! 
Details of the Collection Day event itself are at:

Thank you.

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