We have booked places for Year 12 students to see the Safe Drive Stay Alive production at 1:00 pm on Wednesday 29 November,
leaving Cheney at 12.30 pm by coach, to return to school by approximately 3:00 pm (Students from Cheney
that are retaking Year 12, who went last year, need not attend).
Students should wear appropriate clothing and
have their lanyards on at all times.
Students are asked for a contribution of £1.00 towards the cost of this event. Therefore, I would be very
grateful if this payment could be made via ParentPay and the slip below returned to the Sixth Form Office by
Friday 13 October. The title of the trip on Parentpay is “Safe Drive Year 12”. If you do not have a Parent Pay
account, please can you contact Mrs Beesley in our finance department on finance@cheney.oxon.sch.uk as
soon as possible.
Students who return their reply slip promptly will be given a place. Although we anticipate that all students will
attend, supervised study will continue in school for those who do not attend.
Full Letter on School Website
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