Thursday, 26 November 2015

Brookes Library Closed 1st to 18th December

We have had the following message from Oxford Brookes.  Please be absolutely sure to observe this temporary closure.  Brookes do a huge amount to help us and it is very important that we maintain good neighbourly relations.  Any reports of Cheney students trying to use Brookes facilities between 1st and 18th December would be treated very seriously by the school.  We are lucky to be able to use Brookes facilities normally, given than none of us pay the fees Brookes students do for the privilege. 
Just writing to let you know that between 1st - 18th December all of our study spaces are reserved for current students for the exam period. As we anticipate lots of our students will be needing the library, Forum and other areas for studying I'm sure you will understand that we need to prioritise them above local school pupils. Once the period has elapsed we will be happy to welcome back your sixth formers to use our library and Forum area as usual. 


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